Cultural and Linguistic Diversity Strategy

Cultural and Linguistic Diversity (CALD) Strategy 2024-2028

We are committed to meeting the cultural and language needs of all our participants. 

The NDIS Cultural and Linguistic Diversity (CALD) Strategy 2024-2028 sets out this commitment. 

We co-designed the CALD Strategy (the Strategy) with over 800 people from CALD backgrounds.

This includes: 

  • participants, friends, family, carers
  • peak bodies and sector representatives
  • NDIS staff. 

Co-design means working with the disability community to make the NDIS better. 

The Strategy aims to: 

  • make it easier for CALD communities to participate in the NDIS
  • improve how NDIS plans reflect the needs of CALD participants
  • improve the overall NDIS experience for CALD participants. 

Our priorities

The Strategy has 6 key priorities: 


Improving our systems and processes to support the needs of CALD participants. 

Staff capability 

Helping staff improve their skills to better respond to the cultural needs of participants. 

Accessible communications 

Ensuring information we share supports the way CALD communities prefer to communicate. 


Helping NDIS providers to offer services that will meet the cultural needs of CALD participants, families, and carers. 


Better use of data to improve services for CALD participants. 


Providing supports and services to educate and connect with CALD communities, who have not accessed the NDIS. 

The Action Plan 2024 – 2028

We co-designed the Action Plan to help us deliver the Strategy. 

The Action Plan includes 28 actions and sits side-by side the Strategy.

Each action is linked to one of our 6 priorities. 
The Action Plan: 

  • outlines the steps we need to take to carry out the Strategy
  • helps us deliver co-designed actions 
  • provides clear goals and responsibility for checking and evaluating activities
  • shows transparency and our commitment to deliver on the Strategy’s actions. 

We will provide regular updates so you can track how things are going. This includes annual progress reports. 

CALD Strategy and Action Plan documents

Download the CALD Strategy Summary:

Download the CALD Strategy and Action Plan Easy Read:

Download the full CALD Strategy and Action Plan:

View the Strategy in your language

Discover Phase Report

The NDIA released the Discover Report which details what we heard and learned from the experiences of NDIS participants from cultural and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds. 

Contact us accessibility services

Translating and interpreting

For a free-of-charge translator or interpreter phone 131 450

National relay service

Visit the National Relay Service website.

This page current as of
29 April 2024
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