Service charter

Our commitment to you

We are committed to improving how we serve people applying to the NDIS, NDIS participants and or their parents and carers.

The Participant Service Charter explains what you can expect from us. 

We first released the Service Charter in August 2020. We have updated it to align with 2022 legislation changes

The Participant Service Improvement Plan sets out what we are going to do over the next two years to deliver a Scheme that meets participants’ expectations.

Visit the Participant Service Improvement Plan page to see the changes we’re making to improve the NDIS for everyone.

Participant Service Charter

The Participant Service Charter is based on five principles for our engagement with participants. We are committed to offering service that is:


We will make it easy to access and understand our information and decisions.


We will respond to your individual needs and circumstances.   


We will recognise your individual experience and acknowledge you are an expert in your own life.  


We will make it easy to access and use information and be supported by the NDIS to lead your life.


We will support you to access the services and supports you need.

The Participant Service Charter also tells you how you can contact us, make a complaint, or provide feedback, and your rights if you do not agree with a decision we’ve made. 

Participant Service Guarantee 

The Participant Service Charter includes timeframes for our processes and decisions – set out in the legislated Participant Service Guarantee and draft Participant Service Guarantee Rules. 

We must make decisions about access, plan reassessments, variations and reviews, and nominee changes within these timeframes.

This gives participants, families and carers greater certainty about how long processes will take. 

We report on our performance against Participant Service Guarantee timeframes in the Quarterly Report

Download the Participant Service Charter

The Participant Service Charter is current as at October 2022. 

Participant Service Charter in Easy Read in other languages

Contact us accessibility services

Translating and interpreting

For a free-of-charge translator or interpreter phone 131 450

National relay service

Visit the National Relay Service website.

This page current as of
23 November 2022