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We are pleased to introduce our refreshed Participant Service Improvement Plan (SIP) 2022-2023. After SIP 2020-21 came to a close in December 2021, we reviewed our SIP commitments to ensure they closely reflected improvements that participants want to see.
The refreshed SIP sets out what the Agency will do over the next two years to deliver a Scheme that meets participant expectations by making practical changes to how we work.
The NDIA and partners will work to deliver on 51 commitments across 9 improvement areas over the next two years. The refreshed SIP includes new and refined commitments representing our ongoing commitment to participants, their families and carers and the disability community.
The NDIA remains committed to making improvements that are important to participants.
As we have done for the previous SIP, we will continue to report how we’re tracking against these commitments, sharing our progress in our Quarterly Reports and on the NDIS website.
Participant Service Improvement Plan
- Participant Service Improvement Plan (PDF 620KB)
- Participant Service Improvement Plan (DOCX 89KB)
- Easy Read (text only) - Participant Service Improvement Plan (DOCX 4MB)
- Easy Read - Participant Service Improvement Plan (PDF 5MB)
The Participant Service Improvement Plan is current as at March 2024. We’ll update the Plan as we make changes to improve the Scheme.
Our progress
We are tracking our progress on the changes outlined in the Participant Service Improvement Plan (SIP) below. An update on our progress can be found in the Quarterly Reports.