The Australian Government asked the Productivity Commission to carry out a public inquiry into a long-term disability care and support scheme.
The Productivity Commission looked at:
- How the scheme would be designed and funded to better meet the long-term needs of people with disability, their families and carers
- How to work out who is most in need of support, the services they should have available to them, and service delivery arrangements
- Alternative scheme costs, benefits, feasibility and funding options
- How the scheme would interact with health, aged care, informal care, income support and injury insurance systems
- Workforce impact
- How any scheme should be introduced and governed
- What protections and safeguards should be part of the scheme.
The Prime Minister released the Productivity Commission's report on August 10, 2011. All governments agreed with the recommendations to establish a National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
Read more about the history of the NDIS.