Archived quarterly reports 2022-23

Quarterly report: 2022-23 Q4

A range of state-specific information about the NDIS performance in this quarter has been compiled and can be found below:

ACT performance

NSW performance

NT performance

Qld performance

SA performance

Tas performance

Vic performance

WA performance

Quarterly report: 2022-23 Q3

A range of state-specific information about the NDIS performance in this quarter has been compiled and can be found below:

ACT performance

NSW performance

NT performance

Qld performance

SA performance

Tas performance

Vic performance

WA performance

Second quarter: 2022-23 Q2

A range of state-specific information about the NDIS performance in this quarter has been compiled and can be found below:

ACT performance

NSW performance

NT performance

Qld performance

SA performance

Tas performance

Vic performance

WA performance

First quarter: 2022-23 Q1

A range of state-specific information about the NDIS performance in this quarter has been compiled and can be found below:

ACT performance

NSW performance

NT performance

Qld performance

SA performance

Tas performance

Vic performance

WA performance

This page current as of
13 November 2023
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