Archived quarterly reports 2013-15

On this page:


8th quarterly report: 2014-15 Q4

The 2014-15 quarter 4 report was released on 17 August 2015. The HTML version is accessible below:

Below is the PDF version of the report:

7th quarterly report: 2014-15 Q3

6th quarterly report: 2014-15 Q2

5th quarterly report: 2014-15 Q1


4th quarterly report: 2013-14 Q4

3rd quarterly report: 2013-14 Q3

2nd quarterly report: 2013-14 Q2

The second quarterly report was provided on 31 January 2014 and has three parts:

1st quarterly report: 2013-14 Q1

The first quarterly report was provided on 23 October 2013 and has two parts:

This page current as of
3 June 2022