First Nations Strategy

First Nations Strategy 2025-2030 

The NDIA is committed to an equitable Australia for First Nations people with disability.

The NDIS First Nations Strategy 2025-2030 sets out what we will do to improve outcomes for First Nations participants, their families, carers and communities.

The First Nations Strategy is our roadmap for the next five years.

It will guide our actions to make the NDIS more equitable, culturally safe, community-centred and coordinated for First Nations people.

The First Nations Strategy embeds the knowledge and experiences of First Nations people and reflects First Nations concepts of disability and wellbeing.

Developing the NDIS First Nations Strategy

We heard from First Nations people that it was important for the NDIA to listen.  

Over the last 10 years, First Nations people with disability, their families, advocates and communities have shared their knowledge, experiences and aspirations with us directly.  

First Nations people have also shared their experiences at government enquiries like the Royal Commission into the Neglect and Abuse of People with Disability (Disability Royal Commission) and NDIS Review. 

We listened to these voices, experiences and aspirations to develop the First Nations Strategy.

Strategic Priorities

The First Nations Strategy identifies 4 priority areas for action.  

Fair and equitable access and support 

Making the NDIS pathway more equitable and culturally safe for First Nations people.  

NDIS ‘our way’ – transformation for power-sharing 

Building First Nations governance into the NDIA’s decision-making, co-design and operations. 

Working together within and across sectors 

Building better systems within the NDIS and across sectors, to deliver a better journey and outcomes for First Nations participants.

Gathering, sharing and revisiting knowledge about meaningful change 

Tracking change in the experiences and outcomes of First Nations participants and using these learnings to continue improving.  

Strategy Implementation Plan

We will work with the community to develop the Implementation Plan in 2025. This Implementation Plan will help us deliver the Strategy.   

We will advertise opportunities to get involved at Have Your Say.  

You can also subscribe to the Participant First newsletter to find out about opportunities to get involved.  

First Nations Strategy Documents 

Download the full First Nations Strategy 

Download the First Nations Strategy Easy Read 

Download the First Nations Strategy Summary 

View the Strategy in Auslan

This page current as of
17 January 2025