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A Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Reference Group was established to provide feedback to the NDIA to support the development of the SDA market and the implementation of SDA under the NDIS.
The group focuses on:
- implementing SDA, including operational processes
- market development
- pricing assumptions
- innovation and best practice
- participant experience of SDA processes, market and housing outcomes
- clarity of information.
SDA Reference Group members
The SDA Reference Group consists of a diverse group of people and organisations, including:
- experience providing services in regional and remote areas
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
- NDIS participants
- SDA providers and investors
- peak bodies.
The SDA Reference Group is chaired by the NDIA’s General Manager, Provider and Market Development, Gerrie Mitra. There are 16 members of the SDA Reference Group, including:
- Justin Nix, CEO of Guardian Living
- Faye Minty, CEO of Enliven Housing
- Michael Philip Lynch, Executive Director, Impact Investing of Synergis Fund
- James Brown, Founder and CEO of SDA+ and NDIS participant
- Richard Klinger, Managing Director of Equibuilt and NDIS participant
- Dushyanthi Thangiah, CEO of Yumba-Meta Limited
- Farah Madon, Vice President of the Association of Consultants in Access Australia
- Melanie Southwell, CEO of SDA Alliance
- Vicki Hodgson, an Aboriginal Support Coordinator, Arabana woman and participant representative
- Perry Cross AM, Founder and CEO of Accessible Homes Australia and NDIS participant,
- Alicia Rathbone, General Manager, Summer Foundation
- Jesse Zielke, Director, Liveable Home Builders
- Ashleigh Gray, Founder and Director, Design Develop Certify (DDC) Group Pty Ltd
- Dr Grace Bitner, Research fellow, The Hopkins Centre, Griffith University
- Nicholas Proud, Power Housing Australia
- Ben Barry, Investor, Macquarie Group Limited
More information about the SDA Reference Group is in the Terms of Reference:
2021 meeting dates
The SDA Reference Group meet every quarter, with the first meeting held on 19 April 2021.
If you have any questions about the SDA Reference Group please contact [email protected].