What is a public interest disclosure?
Current and former public officials can raise concerns about wrongdoing in the Commonwealth public sector under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013 (PID Act). A concern raised under the PID Act is a ‘public interest disclosure’ or ‘PID’.
How can public officials make public interest disclosures?
At the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), public officials can make PIDs to their supervisor or to one of the NDIA’s authorised officers.
The people listed below are authorised officers at the NDIA:
- Corri McKenzie
- David Gifford
- Debbie Mitchell
- John Dardo
- Penelope McKay
- Rebecca Falkingham
- Samuel Porter.
Public officials can make a PID about the NDIA:
- in person to their supervisor or to one of the NDIA’s authorised officers,
- by emailing [email protected], or
- verbally by calling +61 2 6233 9200 and leaving a voice message.
Where can I find more information?
Public officials can read more about PIDs at the NDIA in the NDIA’s Procedures for dealing with Public Interest Disclosures.