Participant Information Access is an easy way for you to access your personal information.
Who can make a request
Requests are available to:
- NDIS participants
- child representatives
- nominees
- prospective participants or the person who acted for the prospective participant in making an access request under the NDIS Act
- third parties who have consent from a participant for the NDIA to share their information.
If you are making a request on behalf of someone else we require proof that you are authorised or have their consent to do so.
Requests made without authority or proof of identity information can be closed and/or not actioned if this information is not received within 14 days.
Our policy is to respect and protect the privacy of all people connected with the NDIS, including participants, providers, employees, contractors and community partners.
How to make a request
You can make a request online.
To make a request, you will need to tell us what information you are seeking access to. You can also tell us why you are requesting the information.
In order for us to verify your identity, you will need to provide your:
- full name
- date of birth
- address
- NDIS reference number.
We understand that you may not be able to make a request online. You can also make a request by:
- email at [email protected] or
- phone on 1800 800 110.
Find more resources about confirming your identity in accessible formats on the booklets and factsheets page.
What information can be requested?
You can request information about your access to the NDIS or your NDIS plan or plan reassessment.
If you are requesting information about your access to the NDIS, we can provide you with your:
- Access Request Form (ARF)
- Evidence of Disability (EOD)
- Supporting Evidence Form (SEF)
- Access Decision
- reasons for your Access Decision.
If you are requesting information about your NDIS plan or plan reassessment, we can provide you with:
- your approved plan
- information collected at your planning meeting
- assessments and other information collected in support of your plan or plan reassessment
- reasons for your plan or plan reassessment decision.
Your request may be about your first NDIS plan, or you may have had previous NDIS plans. If you request relates to a previous NDIS plan, you will need to tell us which plan.
We can also provide you with medical and other information you have provided to us.
We aim to respond to your request no later than 28 days from receipt.
There is no cost.
Requests for other information
If you are seeking access to information which is about something else, you can make a request through Freedom of Information.
Read more about Freedom of Information.
Contact us
Please email us at [email protected] or call us on 1800 800 110 if you have any questions or require help.