Automatic plan extensions
During the COVID-19 pandemic, we listened to your concerns and changed what happens when your plan reaches its end date – so you can be sure that your funded supports will continue.
If your plan reaches its end date and your new plan hasn’t been finalised yet, your current plan will be automatically extended for up to 12 months.
This is part of our commitment under our Corporate Plan 2020–2024 and Participant Service Charter to deliver a quality experience for you.
Is this change going to continue?
Because you told us automatic plan extensions made sense for you, we are making sure they continue.
This means your current funding will automatically continue until your new plan can be finalised, so you don’t have any gaps in your funding or supports.
What if my current plan is shorter than 12 months?
If your current plan is shorter than a 12-month plan, your extended plan will be for the same timeframe – for example, a six-month plan will be automatically extended for six months.
Will my budget stay the same if my plan is automatically extended?
Yes. Your current funding will automatically continue until your new plan can be finalised.
We are currently undertaking a review of automatically extended plans for participants with supported independent living (SIL), to monitor and ensure provider compliance.
Your provider may be contacted by an NDIA Compliance team member if we believe there has been an error in your provider’s SIL payment claims.
To learn more about how the NDIA monitors compliance and provider payment claims, visit the Provider compliance monitoring page.
Will my plan reassessment still happen?
Yes. A plan extension will only keep your current funding going until your plan reassessment is completed.
You can still expect us to check in and work with you after your plan has been automatically extended, to discuss your plan reassessment.
Do I need to do anything?
If your plan is close to or past its end date, you don’t need to do anything and you will not have a funding gap – we will contact you to schedule your plan reassessment meeting.
If you haven't heard from us and have been waiting to request changes to your plan, call us on 1800 800 110 or find and call your nearest office .
NDIS plan extensions November 2024
Some participants have had their NDIS plan automatically extended in our system.
This was done to make sure there are no gaps in peoples’ NDIS supports.
Due to a high number of requests this year, wait times for plan approvals and reassessments have been longer than usual.
To help reduce these delays, we’ve extended plans where we believe they still meet peoples’ needs.
In November and December 2024, we contacted participants and nominees whose NDIS plans have been automatically extended. We contacted people via email or letter, depending on whether they have given the NDIA a valid email address.
If you believe your plan has been extended but you haven’t heard from us, we suggest checking all of your email folders, including spam. You might also want to check that we have the right postal address for you. You can check your personal details in the my NDIS app or the participant portal.
You can also contact us for more information.
What this means for participants
If you received an extension, you don’t need to do anything to accept it. Your funding is available for you to use on approved NDIS supports.
These extensions are for a maximum of 12 months. If the previous plan was shorter than 12 months, your extended plan will be for the same timeframe. For example, 6-month plans have been extended for 6 months.
When you log in to the NDIS app or portal, you’ll see the new expiry date for your extended plan.
We’ll contact you before this date to start your reassessment.
These extended plans have the same core and capacity building funding as the previous plan. Any funds left over from the previous plan are also included in the extended plan.
Any capital supports (like assistive technology or equipment) that weren’t used before the plan’s expiry date have been carried over to the extended plan.
If this plan no longer works for you
If your extended plan no longer meets your needs, you can contact us to continue with your scheduled reassessment.
We’re here to support you through that process.