Support to discharge from hospital

Like all Australians, you may need to visit hospital from time-to-time when you get sick or injured.

While you are in hospital, the health system takes care of your needs, including your disability related daily support needs. For more information, see our Would we fund it – Services if you’re in hospital .

Sometimes your disability related supports may change while you are in hospital.

In these circumstances, you might need a change to your NDIS plan so that you have all the disability related supports to be safely discharged from hospital.

When this happens, we will vary or reassess your plan as quickly as possible, so you don’t spend any longer than medically necessary in hospital.

NDIS hospital discharge plans

We recognise that to leave hospital quickly and safely, participants may need a short to medium term ‘interim’ NDIS plan to support their discharge.

This means you might need additional supports like support coordination or medium term accommodation (where eligible) in the period just after you leave hospital.

Your support needs may change again after you settle back into your routine at home. NDIS hospital discharge plans still need to meet NDIS funding criteria .

See hospital discharge process on the Hospital Discharge page .

What to do if you are admitted to hospital

If you have to go into hospital, you should tell hospital staff that you are an NDIS participant.

They will talk to us about your disability-related support needs and we can make sure that the supports you need are in place to help you discharge as quickly as possible. 

You, your nominee or authorised representative can also inform us about your admission to hospital by calling 1800 800 110 or emailing [email protected]

This page current as of
25 May 2023
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