Individualised living options

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About individualised living options

Individualised living options (ILO) is support to live the way that suits you. ILO funding does not pay for a house. 

Using your ILO funding, you can: 

  • explore different ways to live – with a host or housemate
  • design your supports to help you live the way you choose. 

There are lots of choices with ILO. You can share your home with housemates or you might live in the home of a host.

The purpose of ILO is for you to live in a way that best suits you. Your ILO and the funding that meets the criteria will be specific to your needs and in one of the three bands for both stage 1 and stage 2. 

What makes ILO different

ILO is designed just for you. ILO supports work with other funded supports and services you receive as well as the help you might get from informal supports like family, friends or community. 

What is an individualised living option?

Individualised living option supports are added to your plan in two stages.

Stage 1 is all about exploring and designing the individualised living option supports you want and need. You’ll work out where you want to live, with who, what support you’ll need, and who you want to provide that support. At the end of this stage there will be a completed service proposal form.

Stage 2 is to put those supports in place. The support depends on how and where you want to live, and what supports you need. This could include things we don’t fund, like the support you get from friends and family. You can change your individualised living option supports if your needs change. They’ll be designed to provide the safety, stability and flexibility you need.

ILO is not:

  • funding for where you live or home modifications
  • support for activities outside your home, such as work or study, playing sport or going out
  • an arrangement where you don’t get to choose who you live with
  • a program of set supports or services that don’t reflect your preferences or needs. 

ILO - Our Guidelines

The Individualised Living Options (ILO) guideline explains what an ILO is, how it benefits participants, how we fund ILO supports and how you get ILO supports in your NDIS plan. 

Read the ILO Guideline to find out more about these topics:

ILO participant scenarios

Learn more about how ILO can help participants achieve their home and living goals:

Getting started – process for getting ILO supports in your plan

Talk to your LAC or planner about exploring your home and living options. 

If you have a goal to explore home and living options, we’ll start by getting some information from you. We’ll probably ask you to complete the Supporting evidence form – home and living and request a change to your plan. Find out more on the Home and living supporting evidence form page .

Based on the information you provide us, the NDIA will consider your request and if it meets the NDIS funding criteria, we’ll determine how much support you need to explore and design your ILO package. We’ll communicate with you through the plan reassessment process before it is approved and added to your plan. Funding for the ILO Exploration and Design stage can be self-managed, Agency managed or plan managed. 

Choosing an ILO provider 

ILO providers play a critical role in helping you set up your ILO arrangement. 
When you are looking for a provider, you should think about if they: 

  • understand your needs
  • listen to you 
  • explain things clearly to you
  • help you to think about what home and support options might suit you
  • are someone you can work with
  • are flexible and willing to try something new or explore possibilities for your home and life. 
  • are able to identify supports suited to you rather than offering or suggesting an existing service that might not be right
  • will work with you to help fix problems that might happen with your ILO arrangement.

There is no requirement for you to use the same provider to deliver both Stage 1 and Stage 2 of your ILO, however we strongly encourage that the provider of Stage 2 is involved in the preparation of the service proposal form.

Who can give me advice?

You can get help from:

  • your family or friends
  • people who have already done something similar
  • a support coordinator or provider that has experience in delivering ILOs 
  • a capacity building or advocacy organisation.

More information

This page current as of
17 January 2025
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