What is specialist disability accommodation?
Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is a range of housing designed for people with extreme functional impairment or very high support needs.
SDA dwellings have accessible features. It helps residents live more independently and allows other supports to be delivered better or more safely.
People who live in SDA usually share with a small number of other people.
You might also be able to live in SDA by yourself if that option best meets your disability support needs and situation.
SDA funding includes the cost of the home or building you live in.
You’ll still need to pay rent and other day to day living costs.
It doesn’t include the services or support you might get in your home that relate to your disability support needs.
Other than SDA, we don’t fund housing. Most participants will access housing in the private market by owning or renting, or through social housing.
If you need affordable housing or are at risk of homelessness, there are state or territory government programs that can help you.
Your local area coordinator or support coordinator, if you have one, can help you apply for state or territory housing or homelessness services.
Learn more about housing options and the NDIS.
Who is eligible for specialist disability accommodation?
Most participants don’t need to live in SDA. People who live in SDA need to live in specialised homes, usually with very high levels of person-to-person support.
If you have a home and living goal, we’ll help you explore what options are right for you.
We’ll start by getting you to complete the Home and Living Supports Request Form.
For more information about SDA eligibility and funding read the SDA Operational Guideline .
SDA Design Standard
The SDA Design Standard outlines the requirements for all newly built specialist disability accommodation.
There are 4 categories of SDA design:
- improved liveability
- robust
- fully accessible
- high physical support.
SDA dwellings must also comply with Australian National Construction Code as well as state or territory building codes, standards and local planning laws.
These combined requirements are in place to ensure that you can safely access high quality, well maintained SDA that meets your needs.
For more information visit the SDA Design Standard page.
Finding SDA
If you’re looking for specialist disability accommodation, you can search for vacancies using the SDA Finder.
The SDA Finder is an interactive tool created and maintained by the NDIA to help you find accommodation to meet your needs.
You can search for a vacancy by location, building type and maximum price per person per year.
Search results give you more information about the SDA vacancy and contact details for the SDA provider.
Most available SDA vacancies are advertised on the SDA Finder. You should speak to your local area coordinator or support coordinator if you are having trouble locating SDA in your area.