You can pay your direct employees using your NDIS funding in two ways:
1. Make a claim first, then pay your employee
Timesheet Evidence: Once you receive a timesheet from your employee, submit a claim online using the my NDIS app, my NDIS portal, or myplace portal. For times that you cannot use the app or portal there is a payment request form.
The money from your NDIS plan will be paid into your nominated bank account within two business days.
Pay your employee with this money.
2. Pay your employee first, then get reimbursed
Payslip Evidence: At the end of an employee’s pay period, pay your employee with your own money and give them a pay slip.
Submit a claim to get reimbursed from you NDIS plan.
The money from your NDIS plan will be deposited into your bank account within 2 business days.