Including Specific Types of Supports in Plans Operational Guideline - Overview

1. What is the purpose of this operational guideline?

This Operational Guideline is intended to be used in conjunction with the Operational Guideline on Planning and provides additional guidance in relation to the preparation and review of a participant’s plan when specific types of supports are under consideration.

In particular, this Operational Guideline provides additional guidance in relation to making a decision to approve a statement of participant supports which includes one or more of these specific types of supports.

2. What is the relevant legislation?

3. Overview

Once a person becomes a participant in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), they develop a personal goal-based plan with the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA).

A participant’s plan must include the participant’s statement of goals and aspirations and a statement of participant supports (see what must be included in a participant’s plan?)

The statement of participant supports specifies, amongst other matters, the general supports (if any) that will be provided, and the reasonable and necessary supports (if any) that will be funded under the NDIS (section 33(2)).

When deciding to include any support in a participant’s plan, the NDIA must have regard to a range of matters set out in the NDIS Act, including the participant’s statement of goals and aspirations.

Specifically, before including any support in a participant’s plan, the NDIA must:

See also what must the NDIA consider when approving the statement of participant supports?

This page current as of
1 June 2023
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