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Participant Employment Strategy
The NDIA is committed to improving employment outcomes for people with disability.
The Participant Employment Strategy 2024-2026 builds on what we have learned so far and includes new actions to help more participants to find and keep a job.
Employment action plan 2024-26
Our Action Plan, presented by focus areas, describes 16 priority actions over the next 3 years.
Focus area 1: Quality planning
Our priority actions:
Build and measure staff capability
System improvements
Planning across life stages
Focus on early intervention for young people (aged 14 to 25)
Focus on inclusive employment
The outcomes we expect:
Participants will have more opportunities to talk about work and plan for employment.
Participants will have real choice and control in where they work and who supports them, ensuring choices to work in open employment are supported.
Planning decisions will be consistent, and consider individual circumstances, evidence-based practice, building work aspiration, and fostering inclusive employment outcomes.
Focus area 2: Efficient and effective employment supports
Focus area 2: Efficient and effective employment supports
Our priority actions:
Improve provider practice
Better outcomes for young people
Measure provider performance
Support reform of disability enterprises
The outcomes we expect:
Participants will have access to more consistent, and better-quality services and supports.
Young people will receive age-appropriate employment supports with the right incentives to drive increasing rates of inclusive employment and further education.
Participants will have better access to information to make informed choices about providers
Focus area 3: Supporting more employers to employ NDIS participants
Our priority actions:
Activate employers
Demonstrate success
Lead by example
Leverage purchasing power
The outcomes we expect:
There will be an improved understanding of the barriers and enablers for inclusive employment.
More employers will express confidence to attract and retain NDIS participants.
More people with disability will be employed in inclusive employment.
Those who receive NDIS revenue will be accountable for employing people with disability in their workforce.
Focus area 4: An integrated eco-system of employment support
Our priority actions:
Improve data collection
Test new collaboration approaches
Embed seamless access to supports
The outcomes we expect:
There will be integrated employment supports across government, ensuring the right supports at the right time.
Shared data and analysis will provide insights of the steps participants are taking to achieve outcomes.
Participants on the Disability Support Pension will have surety of income support and confidence to work to their potential.
Our progress
The Participant Employment Strategy includes our commitment to report on the following measures:
We will measure employment outcomes and differentiate employment in Disability Enterprises and open, inclusive employment settings.
We will measure the outcomes of young people who access NDIS employment supports when transitioning from school to work or further education.
We will measure the engagement with Disability Employment Services and the outcomes for those participants.
We will measure how many participants express a desire to work and are setting employment goals.
We will establish performance and quality indicators for developing plans for people who express a desire to work or set a work goal.
We will assess planning decisions at key transition points, for example when leaving school or transition to open employment.
We will look at reasonable and necessary decision information, including decision to support access to other government employment supports.
We will monitor how Local Area Coordinators are supporting participants to implement their employment supports and / or access to other government employment services.
We will measure employment services, supports and outcomes delivered by providers.
We will publish provider performance data.
We will measure the number of staff with disability working at the NDIA.
We will measure the employment of people with disability in our partner organisations.
We will monitor participant satisfaction across the employment journey. We will learn about participant experiences in thinking about work, developing a plan, implementing supports and services, finding, and keeping a job, and career progression.
You can also find updates on employment outcomes in the NDIS quarterly report and read employment information in these research findings:
If you have any questions or general feedback about the NDIS Participant Employment Strategy, please email us at [email protected]