This page contains the Independent Advisory Council End of Year Update 2015: Supporting an Ordinary Life for People with Disability.
The NDIS Act 2013 establishes the Independent Advisory Council (IAC), its membership and independence. Its purpose is to provide independent advice to the NDIA Board on how the Agency performs its functions. The majority of IAC members must have a disability.
The IAC embodies the principle of co-design through its membership and strong connections with the community. The IAC strives to ensure the realisation of the vision and values of the NDIS Act – for the NDIS to contribute to people with disabilities becoming more independent, more included in mainstream social and economic participation and more self directing.
In its first two years, the IAC has focused on the fundamental design questions in the NDIS, such as what is an ordinary life and how can reasonable and necessary support assist people to move toward an ordinary life, which is a mainstream life in the Australian community.