Help participants connect to NDIS and other supports

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A key role of a support coordinator is to help participants to connect to NDIS and other supports.

Help participants understand their NDIS plan 

Support coordinators help participants understand their NDIS plan, including:

Participants choose who to share their plan with. A participant and their support coordinator should talk about what information the support coordinator needs to best meet the participant’s needs.

Support coordinators must provide information using the participant’s preferred language and method of communication.

Key tasks for support coordinators to help participants understand their NDIS plan

  • Face-to-face (where possible) implementation meeting with the participant to start their plan.
  • Support the participant or their nominee to establish access to the NDIS portal and app so they can manage their account and view their plan and budgets.
  • Communicate the supports that have been funded in accordance with the participant’s plan.
  • Understand and communicate any supports that were declined from being included in the participant’s plan.
  • Educate on what a child representative is and what they do.
  • Educate and refer the participant to published guidelines for community and mainstream supports, including the NDIS Would we fund it guidelines.
  • Together with the participant, identify potential barriers to them achieving their goals support them to develop a crisis and or service plan to overcome these barriers.
This page current as of
22 October 2024
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