Providers and participants need to discuss and agree on proposed changes to charges for services and supports. Once agreed, providers should update service bookings with the changes.

Providers can only start claiming a new price level from the start date of the revised or newly created service agreement and service booking.

In some instances, providers may have service agreements that allow the provider to automatically claim annual indexed price limits without the need to update the existing service agreement.

To update service bookings to reflect any agreed changes, providers need to end and create new service bookings or update the ‘Allocated Dollar’ amount in the service booking, using the myplace provider portal.

Category level

Where the service booking is created at the category level, no immediate action is required.

To apply new price limits, providers need to update the ‘Allocated Dollar’ amount in the service booking using the myplace provider portal.

Support line item level

To apply the new price limits for service bookings created at the support line item level, including service bookings generated by the NDIA, providers can change the end date of existing service bookings and create a new service booking.

Providers should ensure all payment claims associated with that service booking are up-to-date. This eliminates the need to calculate an accrual amount for any claims that haven't been made yet.

If claims are not up to date, calculate the correct accrual amount before updating the end date of the service booking. Once the service booking end date has changed, it can't be changed.

This page current as of
28 November 2019
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