Assistive technologies (AT) are physical supports that help participants:

  • do something more easily or safely 
  • do something they otherwise cannot do because of their disability. 

All NDIS supports must meet the reasonable and necessary criteria.

We can’t fund AT items that are more appropriately funded by other government services. 

We can’t fund AT items that are more appropriately funded by other government services or are not legally able to be used to meet your needs, in the state or territory where you live. Our Guidelines describe how these rules apply to all supports.

For more detailed information on how we define and fund AT please refer to our Our Guideline - Assistive technology .

Low, mid and high cost AT

The NDIA has different processes for low, mid and high cost AT. 

  • Low cost assistive technology: under $1,500 per item
  • Mid cost assistive technology: between $1,500 and $15,000 per item
  • High cost assistive technology: over $15,000 per item.

Participants do not need to give us quotes for AT that costs less than $15,000, but they do need to submit written evidence if it is valued more than $1,500. 

Mid cost AT guidance material is provided  to help providers better understand mid cost AT service bookings and claiming. These mid cost AT videos take the form of a presentation, stepping providers through service booking and claiming processes. 

You can also view these mid cost AT session recordings for further clarity. They cover improvements in assistive technology introduced in March 2022 and had information specifically for:

  • participants, their families and carers
  • AT peaks and providers
  • health sector
  • support coordinators and plan managers.

AT risk levels

The NDIA funds assistive technology based on both the cost and the risk of the item. This means we need different information depending on the cost and risk.

The NDIA uses the Assistive technology product risk table to guide efficient funding decisions and ensure safe and appropriate AT is being supplied correctly.

The product risk level may not relate to cost of the AT. Some low cost AT can pose significant risks if not selected or installed correctly. This is why we require participants to seek guidance from a qualified AT advisor before purchasing higher risk AT.

See the Our Guideline - Assistive technology  for more information on identifying AT risk levels.

Pricing and payments for AT providers

You should work closely with the participant to understand their needs and how you will be paid for supports and services.

Depending on their needs, and market offerings, participants may want to pay for their AT outright (e.g. normal purchase), rental, or by subscription.

Conditions around payments for providers (including specific rules for using pre-payment or subscription arrangements for services) are outlined in the: NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits page and the Assistive Technology, Home Modifications and Consumables Code Guide.

Any arrangement that involves payment prior to delivery of a support (including AT), such as by pre-payments or subscription, must comply with the conditions in the Code Guide.

Self-managed participants pay providers directly for their AT supports and services and are not required to comply with the price limits listed in the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits.

Learn more on the Getting paid page.

Successful claiming and AT codes

If you are working with participants with NDIA-managed or plan-managed funding, you must follow NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits.

AT assessment, guidance and training is generally funded through a capacity building support and price limits (not a set NDIS price) are outlined in NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits

To support the mid cost AT process introduced from 28 February 2022, we:

  • changed the AT codes for products valued under $15,000 in the NDIS Support Catalogue to simplify the provision of the mid cost AT supports.
  • added “Supplementary Charge” codes to permit a claim where the reasonable price for the AT the participant needs exceeds the NDIA catalogue item price limit. As the name suggests, these may only be used when the provider has already claimed most of the cost with a specific AT item code, and the participant is willing to pay the extra cost.

Old quotable codes for AT less than $15,000 value are now being discontinued (and continually withdrawn) and may only be used for claiming where they are stated in a participant’s plan. New codes must be used for all other cases. Payment may be delayed if old codes are used when claiming from new plans. Providers may also be asked re-submit claims.

If the participant’s plan includes a support item number for the AT being supplied and is marked ‘Quote required’ or ‘Stated’, your payment request must use that number. 

In all other cases you should refer to the Assistive Technology, Home Modifications and Consumables Code Guide for the support item number that best fits the provided supports.

For plans that are NDIA-managed please email [email protected] or call the NDIS Contact Centre if you are having difficulty creating a service booking, or claiming for available support items, repair or maintenance costs.

For assistance in the event of the death of a participant where a provider have supplied rental or leased AT or have an outstanding claim pending, please contact [email protected]

Assistive Technology, Home Modifications and Consumables Code Guide 

The Assistive Technology, Home Modifications and Consumables Code Guide (Code Guide) outlines the consumables or equipment supports that assist participants to live independently or assist a carer to support the participant. 

The Code Guide includes related delivery, set-up and some training support items.

It also helps providers claim payments using a 'best-fit' approach and assists participants with consistent terminology for AT comparison.

View the Code Guide on the Pricing arrangements page.

Previous versions are on the Pricing arrangements archive page.

Preparing AT evidence for an AT assessment

The NDIA will always include funding in a participant’s Capacity Building budget for AT advice or assessment where they have an AT need. 

The NDIA needs sufficient evidence to decide which AT supports are reasonable and necessary to include in a participant’s plan.

To approve and add AT into a participant’s plan, the NDIA follows different processes depending on whether the AT is low, mid or high cost. 

See Our Guideline - Assistive Technology  for information on the evidence required to approve, replace and add AT to a participant’s plan. Evidence to support requests for AT funding should be submitted to [email protected]

AT assessment templates

For some AT (particularly higher cost AT) the NDIA requires evidence to make a decision on whether the proposed AT is a reasonable and necessary support. You can find more details on evidence and advice in Our Guideline - Assistive technology

For AT valued above $15,000, we have provided some templates below to help assessors and participants provide information to help the NDIA determine the appropriate supports to include in a participant’s plan.

Using these templates ensures the NDIA has the information required for planning and approval and helps avoids delays.

The consent clause ensures the participant has given the NDIA permission to discuss the assessment and/or quotes with the provider(s) concerned directly.

The structure of the templates may also be helpful when providing evidence for AT valued less than $15,000.

For participants

This page current as of
30 January 2023
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