Allied health providers and reports for plan reassessment

Reports provided during a participant’s plan reassessment help us understand the supports participants need to pursue their goals. 

Your report should explain your therapy approach and provide evidence of the outcomes achieved and the progress made towards a participant’s goals. 

The evidence you provide helps us determine whether the supports you are recommending meet our reasonable and necessary criteria.

Report writing tips

Demonstrate progress towards goals

  • Does your report include a summary of the supports provided?  
  • Have you provided evidence of previous therapies trialled? 
  • Have you measured and provided detail about how a participant’s functional ability is progressing towards their therapy outcomes and NDIS goals? 


A participant’s goal could be to increase their ability to get up from a bed or a chair and walk independently within their home.

A 25% increase in standing balance and lower limb strength (therapy outcome) will increase the participant’s ability to be independently mobile in their home (NDIS goal).  

The observed 30% improvement in mobility, strength and balance (therapy outcome) will support attendance at 50% or more volunteer activities per week (NDIS goal).

  • Have you documented any barriers or challenges in the participant’s progress? 
  • Have you explained why the therapy outcome was not achieved?
  •  Have you considered or needed to review your therapy approach to help the participant overcome these barriers or challenges? 

Define additional supports 

  • Have you considered what additional informal, community or mainstream supports could assist the participant in pursuing their goal?
  • Have you recommended or referred the participant to any informal, community or mainstream supports? 

Provide detailed recommendations 

  • Have you provided clear evidence-based recommendations? 
  • Are your recommended supports linked to the participant’s therapy outcomes and NDIS goals? 
  • Do the recommended supports represent value for money? 
    • Are there other comparable low cost options that would achieve the same outcomes? 
    • Is there evidence that the supports are likely to substantially improve the life stage outcomes for, and be of long term benefit to the participant
    • Will the supports be likely to reduce the cost of funding of supports for the participant in the long term
    • Will the support  increase the participant’s independence and reduce the participants needs for other kinds of supports 
  • Do the supports provided enhance and coordinate well within the participant’s life and environment? 
  • Have you stated the risk of no supports being provided?

Include service details in your report

For example:

  • type of service
  • therapeutic approach used
  • duration of supports
  • frequency of support 
  • intended outcome
  • challenges (technological, physical, administrative)use of therapeutic tools is relevant
  • justifications to support the recommendations.

Early childhood intervention providers and early childhood provider reports

  •  Early childhood intervention providers working with children younger than 7 who are NDIS participants, report on the services and supports they provide at least annually. These reports are also required when a child’s plan is reassessed.   

Early childhood provider reports help us better understand a child and family’s progress towards their goals, outcomes achieved as a result of services and supports delivered and recommendations for future supports.

The information in these reports will help families understand the impact funded supports have on their child’s daily life.  They will also assist the family at plan reassessments.  

This page current as of
4 August 2022
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