
The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) has concluded the SDA Pricing Review 2022-23 which evaluated the impact of current SDA prices on the supply and demand of SDA housing, and set new benchmark SDA prices for the next five years.

New prices for SDA have been released effective 1 July 2023.

Important Information for Participants

 If you are a participant living in an SDA dwelling, the new prices for SDA will not change the SDA supports you receive. You do not need to take any action in relation to your NDIS plan as there haven’t been any changes made to who is eligible for SDA funding.

If you're not living in an enrolled SDA dwelling but have SDA funding in your plan, the SDA funding amounts won’t be updated until you advise the NDIA that you have moved into an enrolled SDA dwelling. 

To ensure the correct SDA funding has been included in your plan following the introduction of the new SDA prices, the NDIA requested information from the SDA provider of the dwelling where you reside.

The NDIA is required to handle your personal information in accordance with the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (Cth) (NDIS Act) and the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act). To ensure the correct adjustments are made to participants’ plans, the NDIA has collected information from SDA providers regarding their SDA dwellings in which NDIS participants reside. We have developed a Privacy Collection Notice to explain our specific privacy practices relating to the Pricing Review of SDA in more detail. 

The detailed Privacy Collection Notice for the SDA Pricing Review is available below.

More information on the NDIA’s Privacy Policy is available at Privacy

It is important to keep your contact details up to date, including the address where you live. For more information on how to do this, go to the NDIS website - How to use the myplace portal

Reasonable Rent Contribution

Your reasonable rent contribution will not be affected by the changes to SDA prices. 

Supported Independent Living (SIL)

Supported Independent Living (SIL) and/or Onsite Shared Supports (OSS) will not change as a result of the new SDA price changes.

Further Information

For information about your SDA eligibility or funding, please speak to your Support Coordinator, NDIS Planner or Local Area Coordinator (LAC).

Information for Providers

The new SDA benchmark prices are effective from 1 July 2023, with implementation taking place in stages.

We encourage providers to check in with the participants residing in their SDA dwelling/s to ensure their address listed in the myplace portal accurately reflects the address where the SDA participant resides. 

SDA Providers should continue to claim SDA funding in line with current approved service booking amounts until the service bookings are adjusted. 

Any adjustments to the level of SDA funding in participants’ plans will occur as a part of:

  • a scheduled plan reassessment;
  • a Change of Circumstance; or 
  • a review of a Reviewable decision made on or after 1 July 2023 until further notice. 

For all other participants who are or have been residing in your SDA dwelling/s, including from 1 July 2023, a scheduled adjustment will be made to the SDA funds in their plans.

Where there is an increase in SDA pricing for your dwelling(s) you will be able to claim the difference when the Service Booking(s) are updated. 

Where there is a reduction in SDA pricing for your dwelling(s), claiming the lower amount will reduce the likelihood of you being required to return claimed amounts to the NDIA.

Annual Indexation 

There is a change to how indexation will be applied to the SDA funds in participants’ plans. 

Indexation has been included in the new NDIS SDA Price Calculators for 2023-24, therefore indexation will be applied at the time SDA funding in participants’ plans are adjusted. 

Effective 1 July 2024, the annual indexation of SDA funds will be an automated process. 

GST Input Tax Credits from 1 July 2023

There are changes to the treatment of GST Input Tax Credits that only applies to New Build SDA enrolled on or after 1 July 2023. 
Providers need to carefully determine whether they were legally allowed to claim input tax credits on the dwelling’s construction or purchase costs.

It is also the provider’s responsibility to submit evidence of their GST status if requested by the NDIA. For post 2023 new builds, the allowable price limit differs depending on the GST input tax credit situation.

It is important to distinguish between claiming input tax credits and your legal eligibility to do so. 

Even if you didn’t claim the input tax credits, the lower price limit applies if you were eligible to claim those credits.

Further Information

Please continue to monitor the NDIS website for future updates regarding claiming for SDA.  

Privacy Collection Notice – Pricing Review of Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)

The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA, we, our) is an Australian government agency responsible for delivering the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The NDIS is a way of providing support for people with a disability, their families and carers. 

The NDIA has completed a Pricing Review of Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA), to enable NDIS participants to have better access to home and living supports into the future. 

The SDA Pricing Review has resulted in new SDA pricing due to indexation and the funding in your NDIS plan has been adjusted to align with the new SDA prices. To ensure the correct adjustments were made to participants’ plans, the NDIA has collected information from SDA providers regarding their SDA dwellings in which NDIS participants reside. 

This privacy collection statement explains:

  • what information we will collect about you 
  • how we will collect information about you
  • why we collect, use and share your information
  • how we will store and protect your information, and 
  • how you can contact us and access your information.

The NDIA is required to handle your personal information in accordance with the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (Cth) (NDIS Act) and the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act).

What we collect

When you use a SDA provider, we will collect a range of personal information (some of which may be sensitive information) about you or the participant you represent, including:

  • name and NDIS identification number
  • contact details, including SDA dwelling address, 
  • details about SDA claims, including Plan number, Service Booking identification number,
  • details of guardians and nominees, including names, addresses and contact details,
  • information about your home and living assessment(s), including any shared living arrangements and restricted access arrangements,
  • information about each episode of support in the SDA dwelling that the SDA provider was eligible to make a claim for in the period after 1 July 2023, and
  • the amount your SDA provider has deducted from your NDIS plan.

How we collect your information

We have or will collect personal information when you use a SDA provider, including when you upload documents, provide information or feedback to either your SDA provider or the NDIA. 

Why we collect your information

Personal information is collected by the NDIA for the purpose of carrying out its functions under the NDIS Act.

Personal information that we collect when you use a SDA provider will be used by the NDIA to enable the NDIA to determine the amount your SDA provider can deduct from your NDIS plan based on the type of dwelling you live in and your Home and Living Assessment.

If the personal information is not collected, you or your SDA provider may not be able to claim the full or accurate amount of SDA under your NDIS plan.

You are not required to provide us with any personal information and use of a SDA provider is voluntary. 

Why we share and use your information

We will use and share the information provided to us for the purposes of the SDA Pricing Review and to apply SDA pricing amounts to your NDIS plan.

We may also use or share your information for other purposes related to the SDA Pricing Review. Where necessary, this includes sharing your personal information with third parties for the purpose of delivering the NDIS. For example, we may share the following information about you with your SDA provider:

  • your NDIS number:
  • your SDA dwelling address, and
  • the SDA funding amounts that may be claimed for you.

We will only use your personal information, or share it with another organisation or government agency, for the purposes we have described above or for another purpose if:

  1. you consent, or
  2. we are required or authorised by law, including under the NDIS Act, or
  3. it is necessary to lessen or prevent a serious threat to the life, health or safety of an individual.

Where authorised to do so under the NDIS Act, we may also use your personal information and share it with others for the purposes of SDA.

We will not share the personal information you provide to us to any overseas recipient.

How we store and protect your information

Storage of personal information (and the disposal of information when no longer required) is managed in accordance with the Australian Government records management regime, including the Archives Act 1983, agency-specific records authorities and general records authorities. This ensures your personal information is held securely.

All personal information collected that is held by the NDIA is stored on servers located in Australia. The NDIA retains effective control over any personal information held on our cloud, and the information is handled in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles.

Any information disclosed to third party contractors will be required to be handled in accordance with the Privacy Act and stored in accordance with agreed security protocols.

Access to your information

Our Privacy Policy contains more information about how you can access any personal information that we hold, and how to seek correction of that personal information. It also contains information about how to make a complaint about a breach of the Australian

Privacy Principles, as set out in the Privacy Act.

If you would like to make a complaint or provide feedback about anything else related to the NDIS please visit Feedback and complaints .

How to contact us

The NDIA can be contacted:

  1. by email: [email protected]
  2. by post: National Disability Insurance Agency, GPO Box 700, Canberra ACT 2601
  3. by phone: 1800 800 110

NDIS office locations can be found at Offices and contacts in your area

Confirmation and consent 

By participating in the NDIS and engaging a SDA provider you confirm that you consent to the NDIA collecting your personal information and handling your personal information in accordance with this privacy notice and the NDIA’s privacy policy.

If you are receiving correspondence on behalf of another person, you must have the consent of the individual to whom the personal information relates to and their consent to share their personal information with the NDIA for the purposes of SDA.  

More information 

More detailed information about the way the NDIA handles your personal information, including how to access your information, is set out in our comprehensive Privacy Policy at Privacy .

This page current as of
26 July 2024
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