Some NDIS participants receive funding for Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA).

SDA has accessible features to help residents live more independently and have better access to the supports in their home. 

NDIS provides funding through a participant’s plan and the participant, often with additional support such as a support coordinator, then finds and applies for the SDA option that best suits their needs.

SDA funding in participant plans is used for housing, not services or supports.

SDA Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits 2024-25

The NDIS Pricing Arrangements for Specialist Disability Accommodation (previously the Price Guide for Specialist Disability Accommodation) is a summary of price limits and other pricing arrangements that apply to SDA under the NDIS.

The SDA price calculator can help providers calculate the expected annual income of an SDA dwelling.

Learn about recent changes to pricing arrangements and price limits on the Pricing updates page.

Along with the NDIS Pricing Arrangements for SDA, there are 2 other key sources of information on SDA, including the:

Previous SDA arrangements and calculators can be found on the Pricing arrangements archive page.

Important Information for SDA Investors

About Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)

SDA funding is provided to participants who require a specialist dwelling that reduces their need for person-to-person supports, or that improves the efficiency of the delivery of the person-to-person supports that they receive. For example, a participant may require a ceiling hoist, backup power supply, or a home with no steps.

SDA funding is only provided for NDIS participants who meet strict eligibility criteria. Participants who meet the eligibility criteria will have an extreme functional impairment or very high support needs.

The NDIA is committed to a strong SDA market. A market that:

  • is sustainable 
  • provides options and choice for participants
  • ensures continuity of supports
  • offers well-located homes for eligible participants. 

What you need to know as a prospective SDA investor

As with any investment, an investment in SDA carries certain risks. Prospective investors should carefully assess the information and investment proposals provided to them and seek independent advice and undertake due diligence.

Be aware of false or misleading advertising

Recently the NDIA has become aware of advertising and promotional material that may be making misleading or deceptive representations and claims regarding SDA.

The NDIA is concerned about any potentially misleading and deceptive practice and the adverse impact this can have on participants, SDA providers and investors.
SDA rates are set through a legislative framework to generate appropriate returns for risk in investing in SDA. It is therefore important to be cautious of any claims being made of excessive returns on the investment.

If you are unsure about an SDA investment, seek independent financial and/or legal advice.

The NDIA will continue to work collaboratively with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission and other regulatory authorities as required to address any concerning market behaviours.

All suspicious and fraudulent practices in the SDA market should be reported to the Fraud and Compliance team. Report suspicious behaviour .

SDA checklist

SDA considerations you should be aware of



Claims of inflated investment returns As SDA rates are set, you should exercise caution with any advertisement that claims excessively high returns.
Claims of guaranteed investment  The NDIA does not guarantee investment returns. Prospective investors carry the risks of their investment.
Demand and Location

SDA is a niche market and prospective investors should extend their due diligence to understand drivers of demand and locality implications.

You can use the SDA demand data tool to explore the latest data.

Compliance of the dwelling

The NDIA has detailed design requirements for all newly built SDA.
Prospective investors should understand dwelling design standards and enrolment processes.

Furthermore, dwellings intended for use as SDA are required to meet local, state and national construction codes and planning regulations for the build and use of the dwelling.

Income from SDA dwellings

SDA income is sourced from the NDIS participant plan.
The claim for payment does not commence until the participant resides in the SDA dwelling and there is a service agreement in place between the SDA provider and the participant.

The NDIS does not “place” or “match” participants to an SDA dwelling, it remains the choice of the participant as to where they live.

Funding Eligible NDIS participants are provided with funding through their individual NDIS plan to source SDA.

Note: This statement is intended to provide guidance around operating within the SDA market guidelines and does not constitute financial advice. Prospective investors in SDA should seek independent legal and financial advice.

This page current as of
4 October 2024
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