Coordinated Funding Proposals

The NDIA is introducing Coordinated Funding Proposals (CFP) to help give participants more opportunities to exercise choice and control when buying NDIS supports.

The NDIA has trialled CFP with positive outcomes for participants and providers.   

What is a CFP?

NDIS participants can use a Coordinated Funding Proposal when the supports they want are not available locally, are too expensive or not good quality.

A Coordinated Funding Proposal can help to:

  • attract specialist providers to underserviced communities
  • offer better value for money, by sharing costs such as provider travel and accommodation across a number of participants’ plans
  • strengthen participant buying power when purchasing NDIS supports.  

How do I use a CFP? 

  1. Build a CFP group. Find a group of people with the same or similar support needs and form the CFP group. 
  2. Agree on the supports. Make sure the CFP group agrees on which NDIS supports they want to buy. 
  3. Ask for a quote. Ask providers how and if they can supply the NDIS supports and ask them for a quote.
  4. Choose a provider. Choose which provider will provide the supports. 
  5. Set up the supports. Notify the successful provider and initiate service delivery agreement. 
  6. Monitor the supports. Make sure everyone receives their supports. 

1. Build the CFP group 

The first step to build a Coordinated Funding Proposal is to find a group of people with the same or similar NDIS support needs.

Things to think about: 

  • The group of participants is called a Coordinated Funding Proposal group.
  • To help organise and support the CFP group you may need to choose a team leader. Having a team leader is not mandatory, but we do suggest having one in place.
  • The team leader may be from the participants’ support network, a support coordinator, a peak body representative or a trusted person who supports participants.
  • The team leader will help the group to buy the NDIS supports.  
  • The Coordinated Funding Proposal group will all need to work together and understand the process.  

2. Agree on the NDIS supports 

The second step is to make sure everyone agrees on which NDIS supports they want to buy.  

Things to think about: 

  • The Coordinated Funding Proposal group will discuss the details of which NDIS supports they want to buy together.
  • Does everyone have the funding in their plans to buy the support? 
  • Create a description of the supports for which you want.

3. Ask for a proposal 

The third step is to ask providers how and if they can supply the NDIS supports.  

Things to think about: 

  • Which providers to approach (usually three), as the Coordinated Funding Proposal group need to agree on this. 
  • Finalising the description of supports to send to the providers to get a quote.  

4. Decide on a provider 

The fourth step is to decide which provider will provide the supports.  

Things to think about: 

  • The team leader and the CFP group will come together and talk about the quotes they received from the providers 
  • Who will provide the supports can be decided based on the needs of the CFP group, and may include:   
    • providers who are registered with professional bodies  
    • specialist providers who can deliver a certain support  
    • the overall cost for each participant
    • providers with cultural awareness.
  • The group needs to agree on which provider they want.

5. Set up the supports 

The fifth step is to notify the successful provider and initiate service delivery agreements (where relevant).  

Things to think about: 

  • Where possible, the CFP group may want to organise to meet the chosen provider together to discuss starting dates and details. 
  • Each participant from the group will need to create individual service delivery agreements and bookings with the provider.  

6. Monitor the supports 

The sixth step is about making sure everyone receives their supports.  

Things to think about: 

  • The provider should deliver the supports as per the service agreement.
  • The CFP group should make sure the provider delivers the agreed supports for each participant. 

For some examples and real life case studies of CFPs, please view the How Coordinated Funding Proposals Work page.


Below are some templates which aim to assist in the development of a CFP.

More information

For more information about CFPs, email [email protected] or call the NCC on 1800 800 110.

This page current as of
17 April 2023
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