Transitioning from residential aged care

The aged care system is designed to support the needs of older people and is generally not designed for younger people.

The NDIA is committed to making sure no NDIS participant under 65 years (under 50 years for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples) lives in residential aged care unless there are exceptional circumstances. 

This means:

  • supporting participants to know about and understand various alternative home and living options.
  • providing funding in participants’ NDIS plans to help them move out of residential aged care.
  • helping participants connect with providers who can help them achieve their home and living goals and supports.
  • making sure participants who live in residential aged care continue to be supported with the right funded supports.

As a carer, nominee or family member of a participant in residential aged care, we know you want them to live in accommodation which is appropriate for their age and needs.

You can encourage them to contact their support coordinator or NDIS planner to find out about and explore alternative home and living options.

Connecting with us early

It is important to connect with us as early as possible if a participant is at risk of entering residential aged care.

Please contact the specialist YPIRAC team by emailing [email protected].

The specialist YPIRAC team can help the participant to explore alternative home and living options so they can continue to exercise choice and control over where and how they live, with the right funded supports. 

More Information

This page current as of
31 July 2023
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