If you are aged 9 to 64, our partners may deliver local area coordination services in your area.

What is the role of a local area coordinator?

Local area coordinators support people with disability to create and work towards their goals, build capacity to make their own decisions and choices and access the supports they need to live the life they choose. 

One of the ways local area coordination partners support NDIS participants and all people with a disability is by developing community connections .

Partners can help you understand and access the most appropriate disability supports available to you.

Local area coordinators can help you to:

  • Find practical information relevant to you – including information about disability, your rights and online supports and services.

  • Understand and access the NDIS – including workshops or talking to you about the NDIS.
  • Help with an NDIS plan – if you are eligible for supports through an NDIS plan, your local area coordinator will talk to you about your current situation, supports, and goals to help develop your plan. Local area coordinators cannot create or approve a plan, this is done by the NDIA.
  • Implement your NDIS plan – your local area coordinator can assist you to understand and use the supports in your NDIS plan to help you achieve your goals. The local area coordinator may be your NDIS contact person to discuss any questions you have about your plan.
  • Apply for a plan reassessment – your local area coordinator can check-in with you during your plan, to see how you are going and if the plan is working well for you. They can help you to apply for changes to your plan with a plan reassessment or plan variation.

Linking you to information and support in your community

Local area coordinators also support communities and multiple levels of government to create a more inclusive society and deliver improved outcomes for all people with disability.

You can ask your local area coordinator about the supports available in your community, even if you're not eligible for an NDIS plan. Local area coordinators have strong connections in community and can help you connect with supports in your local area including community groups, recreational activities such as sporting clubs, performing arts groups and other social networks.

Your local area coordinator can also help you understand how the NDIS works with other government services and can assist you to connect to supports like education, health and transport. This is part of the Information, Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) Program

From mid-2020, the ILC Program transitioned from the NDIA to the Department of Social Services (DSS). For more information about the ILC Program, please visit the DSS ILC webpage .

Read about ILC projects funded in 2016-2020 .

This page current as of
19 December 2023