Other government disability services

If you are not eligible for the NDIS or are not located in an area where the NDIS has rolled out, you will still be able to connect with existing Commonwealth and state and territory government disability services for your support needs.

Find a government disability service near you

Australian Government

The Disability Gateway

The Disability Gateway includes a website, a dedicated phone number (1800 643 787) and social media channels, to assist people with disability, their families and carers, to find and access trusted information and services. 

The Disability Gateway is for all Australians with disability, whether they are an NDIS participant or not.

Department of Social Services

Website: www.dss.gov.au

The Department of Social Services (DSS) is the Australian Government's main source of advice on social policy and manages about one fifth of the federal budget.
DSS funds organisations to provide advocacy services to people with disability under the National Disability Advocacy Program (NDAP)  The NDAP supports people with disability to access effective advocacy that promotes, protects and ensures their full and equal enjoyment of human rights and participation in our communities. 

DSS works with other government and non-government organisations to manage a diverse range of programs and services that support and improve the wellbeing of individuals and families in Australian communities.  

DSS manages a range of programs and supports in the disability and carer including:

Helps people with disability find work and keep a job

Programs and services for people with disability including NDAP

Programs and services for carers of people with disability

Supporting Australians' mental health and wellbeing, through programs, services, benefits, payments, and grants for service providers.

The Disability and Carers Industry Advisory Council and a number of national peak disability organisations advise Government on issues for people with disability.

Find out more about DSS disability related services

Services Australia (formerly Department of Human Services)

Website: www.servicesaustralia.gov.au

Services Australia is responsible for the development of service delivery policy and provide access to social, health and other payments and services including:

  • Medicare
  • Centrelink
  • Child Support.

State and territory disability services

Australian Capital Territory

ACT Office for Disability

New South Wales

Northern Territory

Northern Territory Government Office of Disability


Department of Communities, Disability Services and Seniors

South Australia

South Australian Department of Human Services


Tasmanian Government Disability and Community Services

The Gateway Services are the community-based entry point for people with disability to access services. They can be contacted by ringing 1800 171 233 from anywhere in Tasmania.


Department of Health and Human Services

Western Australia

Department of Communities, Disability Services

This page current as of
14 July 2021