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We have developed a Participant Safeguarding Policy. The policy outlines our commitment to support people with disability who engage with the NDIS to create or expand safeguards to improve their safety and minimise the risk of violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation. Safeguards are things or actions people with disability, or their friends and families, can do to manage risks of harm that may be present in their lives. Purpose The aim of the policy is to: Improve how we support people with disability, participants and their support networks to create or increase safeguards Show how we will be more proactive...
To support the safe and timely discharge of NDIS participants from hospital, we have committed to contacting every participant (or their authorised nominee or representative) within 4 days of being notified that they have been admitted to hospital.
Your Early Childhood partner, Local Area Coordinator or the NDIA can explain how to request changes to your plan and can also put you in touch with advocates who can help you with these processes. More information on this page about your change in circumstances, requesting a review of the plan decision and about appeals.
If you have a disability and you're involved in the justice system, you have the same rights as anyone to become or remain an NDIS participant.
Remote Community Connectors are community-based NDIA representatives that support the culturally appropriate delivery of the NDIS in remote and very remote communities.
Information about changes in circumstances, what they include, what they can affect, a form to complete for contacting the NDIA, and frequently asked questions.