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The NDIA assumed responsibility for the delivery of the NDIS in WA in July 2018 and is continuing to roll out by regions across Western Australia by 2020.
Information about current vacancies, how to apply, our values, capabilities and behaviours, why work for NDIA, employment conditions, entry level programs, assistance for candidates with disability, graduate program and some frequently asked questions. You'll also find information about how to use our online jobs portal.
Information on what is considered good evidence of disability; who provides evidence of your disability; what evidence you need from a treating professional; how a access decision is made; what happens when you don't meet NDIS access criteria and can another access request be made at a later date.
We’ll talk to you about your goals in your planning conversation with us. Goals are important because they are your personal desires about what you’d like to do.
Australian Government Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme and Minister for Government Services – This website has information about the Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme and Minister for Government Services the Hon Bill Shorten MP. Department of Social Services - This website has information on the ways in which the Department of Social Services improve independence and participation for people with disability and carers in community and economic life. States and territories Department of Social Services - This page lists current state and territory ministers responsible for disability policy. The below links refer to information in each...
The NDIA is co-designing a new First Nations strategy (Strategy) and action plan that reflects the priority issues and opportunities to achieve outcomes for First Nations people with disability on an equal basis with the broader population.
The Specialised ATHM Assessment Pilot has now closed. To ensure that appropriate funding for assistive technology and home modifications (ATHM) is included in plans at plan approval, the NDIA held a pilot.