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There are changes to the NDIS which start from 3 October 2024. One of the immediate changes is a new definition of NDIS supports. This affects all participants, but for most people there won't be big changes to the way they experience the NDIS right now.
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I’m writing to give you more information about the changes to NDIS supports that start on 3 October 2024. I understand change can cause concern for some participants, families and carers. I want to assure you the purpose of the NDIS is staying the same. It will continue to provide NDIS participants with funding for disability related supports.
  • Media statements
From 3 October 2024, there are some changes to how the NDIS works to bring greater clarity and flexibility to participants. We want to reassure participants that for most people there won't be fundamental changes to how you experience the NDIS right now.
  • Media release from the Minister
The Hon. Bill Shorten MP has today released the final lists of what NDIS participants can and cannot spend their funding on. The lists will provide much needed clarity and certainty to participants and providers. This is the first time this list has been reviewed since the commencement of the NDIS and updates current guidelines and practices. The lists will come into effect from 3 October 2024 and make it easier for participants to identify what is appropriately funded by the NDIS, and what NDIS funding can be used to purchase. There is also a substitution list which will allow...