Latest news

  • Participant Reference Group communique
This is a summary of the Participant Reference Group’s (PRG) meeting. The Participant Reference Group (PRG) makes sure the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) hears and understands the participant voice. The PRG has 23 members from participant and carer organisations across Australia.
  • Participant Reference Group communique
This is a summary of the Participant Reference Group’s (PRG) meeting. The Participant Reference Group (PRG) makes sure the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) hears and understands the participant voice. The PRG has 23 members from participant and carer organisations across Australia.
  • Participant Reference Group communique
This is a summary of the Participant Reference Group’s (PRG) meeting. The Participant Reference Group (PRG) makes sure the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) hears and understands the participant voice. The PRG has 23 members from participant and carer organisations across Australia.
  • Participant Reference Group communique
This is a summary of the Participant Reference Group’s (PRG) meeting. The PRG consists of 22 participant and carer representatives across Australia. The PRG is a key platform to make sure the participant voice is heard and understood by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). Feedback from meetings is used to inform strategy, policy development, system and service delivery development and review, to support continuous improvement.
  • News
As part of our improvements to systems and processes in the NDIS, from today, self-managed participants who submit claims to the NDIA may be asked to upload supporting evidence for claims. There are no changes to how claims are made for participants who have their supports plan managed or NDIA-managed. 