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We've released the 5th edition of the School Leaver Provider Quarterly Report. The report examines the school leaver employment support delivered to 6,606 participants, their progress, and the outcomes they’ve achieved. The report provides insights into the best practices and factors leading to successful employment outcomes based on data submitted to the Agency from January 2023 to December 2023 by providers. Key data highlights show that: of the 1,831 participants who exited employment supports: 25% achieved an open employment outcome 5% achieved supported employment outcomes, formerly known as Australian Disability Enterprises (ADE) 11% pursued further study or volunteer work of...
  • News
The refreshed continence provider list is now available on the NDIS website. The continence provider list – a collation of NDIS registered providers, and their service offerings – helps participants, their families and carers to find trusted information on continence products. The list is an additional resource to help with finding and comparing continence products and providers.
  • Fraud and compliance
  • Media release from the Minister
Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme and Government Services the Hon. Bill Shorten MP has today announced the second part of NDIS legislation Getting it Back on Track Bill, which will significantly increase protections for Scheme participants and workers, as well as improve the quality and safety of supports for all participants.