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Welcome to the August edition of the CEO Sector Update. With the release of our Quarterly Report last week, I wanted to specifically talk about the important role data plays in informing our decision-making as we continue to build a better Scheme for participants. In my last update, I mentioned the Minister for the NDIS, the Hon Stuart Robert MP, had released a suite of NDIS research and data. Minister Robert and the NDIA are committed to full transparency for the Scheme. This release paints a picture of both successes and challenges for participants and those who support them. We...
Compensation is a lump sum or periodic payment for a personal injury that is at least in part for the cost of supports the NDIS may fund. We account for compensation to avoid duplicating funding of the types of supports provided for in your compensation payment.
Compensation will not affect your ability to meet access to the NDIS. If you receive a compensation payment, the NDIA may recover funding of NDIS supports relating to your injury that you have paid for out of your plan. We may also make an adjustment of the funding in your NDIS plan to account for your compensation payment. We call this a Compensation Reduction Amount. What is compensation? If you have sustained an injury, you may be able to make a claim for compensation. The amount of money you may claim is based on the loss you sustained due to...
Compensation reduction amount and your NDIS plan The NDIS is designed to complement, not replace, existing compensation arrangements for personal injury. This means the NDIS won’t duplicate funding for the types of supports provided for in your compensation payment. It also means your NDIS plan can focus on providing other funded supports that may not be covered by a compensation claim. If your compensation payment includes funding for the types of supports that may also be funded by the NDIS, then the funding in your NDIS plan may be adjusted. The adjustment in your funding is worked out by calculating...
If you have not claimed compensation If you have sustained an injury, which has resulted in you applying to the NDIS, you may be entitled to compensation. If you haven’t taken reasonable steps to claim compensation, the NDIA may require you to do so. If you do not take the steps requested by us, we may take action to claim compensation on your behalf or take over conduct of your existing compensation claim. The Compensation Operational Guideline explains this in detail Requiring a participant or prospective participant to take action to claim or obtain compensation. If you have agreed to...
For participants’ representatives If you believe the participant(s) who you represent may be impacted by the compensation provisions, please contact us on 1800 800 110 or send an email to the Compensation Recoveries Branch at [email protected]. Please note you will be required to demonstrate you have authority to act on behalf of the participant. If you cannot demonstrate that you have authority to act on behalf of the participant then we will be unable to disclose any information to you. If you have authority to act on behalf of the participant, we may ask you for information about the participant’s...
For the purposes of calculating a CRA (as relevant), the actuarial model can be accessed here. Rule 3.14 of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Supports for Participants- Accounting for Compensation Rules) 2013 requires the publication of the actuarial model used in the calculation of the compensation reduction amount component Rule 3.13(e). The Chief Executive Officer, as advised by the NDIS Scheme Actuary, takes into account various pieces of information to determine the value of the reasonable and necessary supports that would have been provided to the participant and funded under the Act over the participant’s expected lifetime, had the participant...