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NDIS concepts have been translated in to Auslan. On this page you will find videos about: Helping you understand key information about the NDIS including what it is, if you can access it, when it will be available, and why it’s important; My NDIS Pathway; Working with the NDIS; and Reasonable and necessary and Permanent and Significant disability.
NDIS concepts in Auslan, a glossary in Easy English and a full glossary of commonly used words and phrases.
We’ve been working on how we can improve the way we deliver the NDIS. We’ve spent time talking to participants, our staff, NDIS partners, providers and the disability community to work out the ways we can improve the experience people have with the Scheme.
Since 1 October 2019, participants have been able to purchase some disability-related health supports using NDIS funding. We have grouped the typical available supports into eight ‘support type’ categories. This is not an exhaustive list. The NDIA is working closely with the Commonwealth, State and Territory governments to make sure eligible participants have these supports included in their NDIS plan. There are different ways to add disability-related health supports to your NDIS plan, depending on your situation. More information Find out more about specific disability-related health supports in our guideline.