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2058 Results
The NDIA is working toward breaking down barriers and enabling people with disabilities to choose where and with whom they live. Learn how housing and living arrangements can influence our quality of life.
The Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Design Standard provides clarity to SDA housing design requirements to be enrolled, and gives providers the flexibility to respond to participant needs and preferences. Learn more about the SDA Design Standard.
Jason is four-years-old. He lives with his parents, Lisa and Simon, and his six-year-old sister. Jason attends childcare three days a week. Lisa and Simon have been concerned about Jason’s development and they noticed delays in his speech milestones and playing skills. In addition, Lisa and Simon also became concerned when Jason’s childcare reported he was yelling at other children and hitting out. They said he also shied away from painting and drawing activities and they identified his fine motor skills were under developed, which was impacting his ability to complete some daily activities. In a recent paediatrician visit, Lisa...
An ILO provider plays a critical role in understanding a person’s vision for their life and developing support arrangements that meets that vision. ILO providers will support participants to make decisions about where and with whom they live and how their supports can enable them to live a full life.
Three-year-old Georgia and her parents, Chloe and Cameron, have just started seeing a paediatrician who referred them to an early childhood partner. Georgia presents with a significant communication, physical and social developmental delay. She can walk short distances but fatigues easily and she’s a bit clumsy on her feet. Georgia has started speaking but she is only using one or two words so she has difficulty expressing herself. Her family are concerned and have tried various strategies to encourage her development but feel the strategies they have tried haven’t worked. It’s frustrating for Georgia too, who often screams at length...
Parents to three-year-old Riley, Jenny and John, approach their local early childhood partner with concerns about their son’s limited diet. Riley is a fussy eater. He only drinks milk and eats a minimal variety of foods – primarily bread, bananas, strawberries and sometimes pasta. Jenny and John are worried Riley’s diet will affect his health. Through conversation with Jenny and John, it becomes evident to the early childhood partner there are no other concerns with Riley’s health and development, apart from his diet. The early childhood partner refers Jenny and John to the local Maternal and Child Health nurse and...