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2058 Results
One of the core aims of the NDIS is to better support you in your caring role. Families and carers provide help and support that could otherwise be provided by formal services or paid support workers.
All participant plans must be approved by the NDIA. More information about the approval process, timelines and how to request a review if necessary.
Information on how to make a request for an internal review of a decision if you think it is wrong. Information on what happens next. Information about if you are still not happy after the internal review of the decision. Information about if you have concerns about the decision-making process, further guidance on NDIS planning decisions, how levels are decided and the expectation of levels of funded supports.
We work closely with 27 Disability Representative and Carer Organisations (DRCOs). These DRCO’s work closely with the NDIA on reforms, changes and improvements to the NDIS. They were selected for a number of reasons including their:  Significant involvement in the formation of the NDIS and National Disability Strategy and contribution to the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disability.  Extensive knowledge on specific policies that affect people with a disability and expertise in accessible consultation and person-centred engagement.  Strong established connections to large networks of people with a disability across Australia.  The DRCO Forum meets quarterly to discuss...
If you want information about our services or you are unsure about something, we encourage you to contact your local NDIA office. Included on this page are instructions and forms for contacting the NDIA.