Latest news

Due to planned maintenance, the myplace participant portal and myplace provider portal will be unavailable from 10.00pm on Friday 11 December to 7.00pm on Sunday 13 December 2020, Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT).
Participants with high out-of-pocket taxi costs will receive an automatic increase in their transport funding today. Participants with very high out-of-pocket taxi costs or complex needs have been contacted by the NDIA to review their transport funding.
In November we released consultation papers asking for your feedback on proposed changes to some key areas of the NDIS – Access and Independent Assessments, Budgets and Planning and supporting young people through Early Childhood Early Intervention. NDIA CEO Martin Hoffman has answered some questions about planning meetings and dispels some misinformation.
NDIS participants from across Australia have come together virtually to celebrate diversity in a unique music video for this year’s International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD) on Thursday, 3 December.