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202 Results for 'accommodation'
Story about Adelaide NDIS participant Dougie Jacobssen, who works as a visual and performing artist with NDIS provider Tutti Arts. The ABC filmed Dougie and the Radio Tutti team interviewing international performer Matt Gilberton, aka Hans. Dougie lives with cerebral palsy and epilepsy and says the NDIS helps him to live an independent life.
The NDIA continually engage participants, providers and investors on matters relating to the Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) market. In our role as market steward, we are committed to providing clarity about policies and processes to support development of the SDA sector.
In response to feedback from participant and provider groups, and the Productivity Commission Report on NDIS Costs, the Board of the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) commissioned McKinsey & Company to undertake an Independent Pricing Review (IPR) in June 2017.
Find out about the latest changes to the NDIS Price Guide and Support Catalogue 2020-21, SDA Price Guide and Assistive Technology, Home Modifications and Consumables Code Guide, effective 1 December.