The Minister for the NDIS, the Hon Stuart Robert MP announced today the release of the latest Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) data on the NDIS Data and Insights website .
The new data, including SDA demand data, is available on the Data Downloads page . Select Participant data downloads to expand and you will find the new data to 30 September 2020 under ‘Specialist Disability Accommodation participants’.
This data release is part of the NDIA’s commitment to publish additional SDA data for participants and the sector. It supports participants and providers to understand not only the current SDA supply but where the demand for SDA is greatest, and where there are opportunities to increase SDA supply.
Previously the NDIA’s Quarterly reports to the disability ministers have included detailed data on SDA supply. This data appears in Appendix P of the quarterly reports and sets out the number of active participants in each service district receiving Special Disability Accommodation and Supported Independent Living, along with data on the number and types of dwellings.
The upcoming 2020-21 Quarter 1 report will contain the SDA demand data in Appendix P for the first time.
Appendix P will also contain references to further detailed tables relating to enrolled SDA dwellings and SDA demand within the NDIS as at 30 September 2020. The data will include SDA demand across Statistical Area 3 (SA3) and Statistical Area 4 (SA4) regions.
The full Appendix P tables, and additional detailed SDA tables, have been published as an Excel spreadsheet on the Data Downloads page on the NDIS Data and Insights website.
The Agency has also recently published a new SDA vacancy matching platforms page which connects participants with available SDA vacancy matching platforms.
If you are searching for Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA), you can use the vacancy matching platforms help you to search for accommodation that match your requirements.
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