The NDIA has updated the Participant Dashboards , adding two new reports, Other Neurological and Other Physical to the 13 previously released in 2022.
There are now fifteen dashboards on our website to help people get information and data about the main disability types represented in the NDIS.
Each dashboard report contains information about how people with disabilities are experiencing the Scheme, as well as other key insights including, payments and provider data.
- Dashboard reports are available for the following disabilities:
- The data used to build these dashboards can also be downloaded in CSV (excel) format.
- Releasing data about the NDIS is part of our ongoing commitment in the Participant Service Charter to be transparent.
Data highlights at 30 June 2023:
- Autism: 35% of the participants in the NDIS (214,880 people) have a primary disability of autism, making it the most common disability for NDIS participants. 78% of participants with autism are aged 18 and under, and 70% are male. Payments to participants with autism in the 12 months to 30 June 2023 were $6.73 billion.
- Intellectual disability: 15% of the participants in the NDIS (89,075 people) have a primary disability of an intellectual disability. 20% of participants with an intellectual disability aged 18 years and over are in supported independent living. Payments to participants with an intellectual disability in the 12 months to 30 June 2023 were $8.54 billion.
- Developmental delay: 11% of the participants in the NDIS (67,558 people) have a primary disability of developmental delay. 85% of participants with developmental delay are under 7 years of age and 70% are male. Payments to participants with developmental delay in the 12 months to 30 June 2023 were $686 million.
- Psychosocial disability: 10% of the participants in the NDIS (62,011 people) have a primary disability of a psychosocial disability. 82% of participants with a psychosocial disability are aged 35 years and over. Payments to participants with a psychosocial disability in the 12 months to 30 June 2023 were $4.25 billion.
Interested in more data?
- Explore more data with the interactive data tool .
- Find more data, insights and reports on the NDIS website.
If you need help understanding or using this data, or have any feedback to share about the new dashboards, please email [email protected]