April 2020 - SDA Reference Group

SDA Meeting: Tuesday 7 April, 2020

COVID-19 Update

The NDIA provided an overview of measures taken to assist participants receiving accommodation supports and assistance offered to SDA providers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

SDA Design Standard

The NDIA received feedback on the SDA Design Standard Implementation Plan. This may be amended due to the disruptions caused by COVID-19. 

SDA Rules Amendment

DSS has been working with states and territories to address their concerns with the rules amendment. The process has been delayed due to COVID-19. 

National Quality and Safeguards Commission

The National Quality and Safeguards Commission gave an overview of how they are working with providers to ensure they are meeting their obligations during the COVID-19 pandemic, including creating an infection control module for providers. 

Robust Working Group

The SDA Robust Working Group provided an update on their work.

Other business

Members proposed a range of topics for future agenda items.