December 2019 - SDA Reference Group

NDIS Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Reference Group Communique - Meeting, Thursday 5 December, 2019 

The Members confirmed the previous minutes.

Update on SDA Rules Amendments and SDA Pricing

The Department of Social Services acknowledged the feedback and comments Reference Group members provided on the proposed SDA Rules Amendments. Members discussed how the NDIA could make SDA funding more competitive, and suggested a simpler model might be clearer for the market.

SDA Innovation Plan

Members discussed the SDA Innovation Plan and gave feedback and suggestions. Opportunities for further sector engagement will be considered.

Market Demand

Members gave suggestions on how to improve the SDA Panel process and the release of non-identifiable data about SDA Panel decisions. 

SDA Robust

A short update was provided on the establishment of an SDA Robust sub-group, with discussion to be carried over to the next meeting. 

Regulation of SDA and participant support services

The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission continues to monitor NDIA data in situations where participants receive a range of services from the same provider, and whether this could be a risk to participant choice and control. 

Younger People in Residential Aged Care (YPIRAC)

The Department of Social Services gave an update on the YPIRAC action plan and ongoing work. The NDIA is implementing relevant elements of the action plan through work around hospital discharge and the implementation of Medium Term Accommodation options. 

Agenda items for future meetings

Members proposed a range of topics for future agenda items.