New SDA quarterly report

The NDIA is committed to providing the specialist disability accommodation market with the information it needs to foster continued growth. Our goal is a thriving market that delivers quality, innovative accommodation for participants and important national infrastructure.

The newly released specialist disability accommodation 2021-22 quarter 1 report (SDA Q1 report):

We have listened to valuable feedback about the previous report and have included additional data about unfinished dwellings and information about participants seeking alternative SDA dwellings.

Providers, investors and the sector can use these insights, combined with other NDIA data and tools, to help guide decision-making, innovation and growth within the SDA market.

We will continue to develop the release of information and analysis to the market on key features of expected SDA supply and demand. The report will evolve as more data becomes available and feedback from the market is incorporated. 

You can download the SDA Q1 report .