The NDIA is changing the way we support providers with the cost of personal protective equipment (PPE).
We are introducing a temporary increase in some NDIS price limits from between 1 January and 30 June 2022 to factor in support worker PPE.
From 1 January 2022:
- the price limits for community participation supports and supports with activities of daily living, other than group core supports and Supported independent living (SIL), will increase by 0.25%
- the price limits for group core supports and SIL will increase by 0.4%
- providers will no longer claim separately from participant plans for the cost of support worker PPE
- providers in New South Wales, Victoria and the Australian Capital Territory will no longer directly claim reimbursement from the NDIA for the cost of PPE.
We are making this temporary increase in recognition that providers across Australia continue to supply support workers with PPE.
We will continue to monitor public health orders and will review the need for this measure as orders are adjusted.
We have provided a higher increase for group core supports and SIL supports to account for the greater need for PPE when delivering these supports.
The increased limits will apply until 30 June 2022. We will make a decision on ongoing pricing arrangements for PPE costs as part of the Annual Pricing Review 2021–22.
Providers have until 31 January 2022 to claim reimbursement from the NDIA for the cost of PPE incurred up to 31 December 2021 under the direct billing arrangement.
We expect to publish updated NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits, and Support Catalogue in Mid-December 2021.
We have published an updated COVID Addendum that outlines the dates of these changes.
The use of PPE is not mandatory but can be a necessary measure for preventing the spread of COVID-19 when providing disability support and services.
For information and advice regarding the appropriate use of PPE, visit the Department of Health website .
Service Bookings
If a provider has made a service booking at the item level, then they need to cancel the current service booking and make a new service booking.
This is because the agreed price for an item level service booking remains the same from the date of its creation.
This prevents providers from claiming beyond that price for the duration of the service booking.
If a provider has made the service booking at the support category level, then they do not need to change the service booking.
Instead, they will need to specify the agreed new price when making a claim against the service booking.
We recommend that where possible providers make service bookings at the support category level.
Temporary arrangements for meal preparation and delivery
We have also extended the flexible approach to meal preparation and delivery support in certain areas through to 31 January 2022.
This temporary measure is to reduce risk of exposure to COVID-19 and is available to participants who:
- would normally use some of their existing Core supports budget to pay a support worker to help them prepare their meals or help with shopping, and
- live in one of the locations already identified in the COVID Addendum including 12 local government areas in Sydney, all of Victoria and the ACT.
If you are eligible, you can use your Core supports budget to pay for meal preparation and delivery without an approved quote – instead of paying a support worker to help with these tasks at home.
You cannot use NDIS funds to buy food. The NDIS can cover the cost of preparing a meal and having it delivered to you.
This is a different way to use your current Core supports budget, we won’t be adding funding to your plan without a plan review.
Please check the COVID Addendum on the NDIS website for claiming conditions for this temporary support measure.
More information:
- Learn more about the temporary changes in the NDIS COVID Addendum
- Learn more about adjusting service bookings
- Learn more about the appropriate use of PPE
- Learn more about meal preparation and delivery