The Independent Advisory Council (Council) has released further details on upcoming consultation activity on the proposed reforms to the NDIS in their latest bulletin .
The Council were invited by the NDIA Board and Minister for the NDIS to convene a series of consultation events on Scheme Reforms, including Independent Assessments.
Council Members have been instrumental in the design of the consultation process which will include a series of independently facilitated forums and workshops.
The Council will host a series of Scheme Reform Forums. All Council members will attend, along with a broad range of disability sector and Council reference group members.
The objective of this process is to:
- hear from the Council and wider disability community regarding concerns raised, including what issues require further engagement and how further engagement should occur.
- provide guidance to the NDIA Board and Minister on what specific changes need to be incorporated to the Government’s access and planning proposals (including IA) in advance of the Minister’s planned consultation on exposure drafts of the legislation.
This initial phase of engagement will conclude in mid-July, with Council providing its advice under its powers in the NDIS Act to the NDIA Board and Minister for the NDIS, on changes and improvements that need to be made to reform proposals. The Council will also publish their advice on their website.
A range of Council-led engagement activities are also scheduled between June and July and will be considered as part of the Council’s advice to the NDIA Board and Minister for the NDIS.
Additional activities include:
- Extending invites to all State and Territory Disability Advisory Councils for independently facilitated workshops involving Council members, alongside NDIA staff. These would fall after the 11 June, and are an opportunity to gather further feedback regarding Scheme reforms.
- Engagement with the Disability Representative Organisations Group on 18 June. This workshop will also be facilitated and involve Council members, alongside NDIA staff and over 25 officials from Disability Representative Organisations.
- Further engagement through the NDIS Participant Reference Group.
For more information on the Council-convened consultation on Scheme reforms read the Independent Advisory Council News Bulletin 8 June 2021 and Council engagement and timelines (PDF 55KB) .