National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants, families and carers are being urged to join a free webinar to learn more about being supported to achieve employment goals.
The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) will be hosting the hour-long webinar: ‘Let’s Talk About Work’, on Thursday 21 February 2019.
Minister for Families and Social Services, Paul Fletcher, said it was important NDIS participants understand the supports the Scheme can provide to assist their journey towards employment.
“The Federal Government is committed to reducing barriers to employment for Australians with a disability,” Mr Fletcher said.
“For NDIS participants, finding the right job is all about taking the right steps, at the right time, with the right supports.”
Assistant Minister for Social Services, Housing and Disability Services, Sarah Henderson, said ‘Let’s Talk About Work’ will be an interactive webinar offering the chance to hear from senior NDIA staff and people with disability who are in work.
“From providing information about services, to additional employment related funding, there are many ways the NDIS can help participants get job-ready,” Ms Henderson said.
“This forum is a great first step for NDIS participants to learn more about how to use employment supports to achieve their goals.”
Today, Ms Henderson will kick-start consultations with the disability sector about improving employment outcomes for NDIS participants as part of the NDIS Participant Employment Taskforce.
Mr Fletcher said the webinar builds on recent announcements of new and practical changes to help NDIS participants with career aspirations assist them to become work ready.
“The NDIS Participant Employment Taskforce is delivering changes that open the way for better employment outcomes, including providing NDIS participants effective access to necessary employment support funding in NDIS plans,” Mr Fletcher said.
“The Federal Government recently announced NDIS participants will be able to activate their Australian Disability Enterprise (ADE) employment supports as soon as they find a job, instead of waiting for the next plan review.
“We’re giving Local Area Coordinators and NDIA planners fresh training and support materials so they can better discuss employment options and build the confidence of participants seeking work.
“Having a job for NDIS participants who want one is an important outcome for them and their self-esteem and it’s important for our community.”
The ‘Let’s Talk About Work’ webinar is free and can be joined from wherever you are by watching on the webinar website and asking questions via live chat. The webinar includes Auslan interpretation and live captions, and if you can’t join on the day the content will be recorded and posted to the NDIS website following the event.
Once registered, the NDIA will provide detailed information about the event, including a link to the webinar and instruction on how to log in.