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2058 Results
After a motorcycle accident in 2018 left Richard an amputee, he spent months in hospital wondering if he was ever going to be able to ride a bike again. But since accessing the NDIS, Richard has been supported to get back on a motorbike, go hot air ballooning, swim with whales, and fly a gyrocopter. Richard, also a fully trained counsellor, is devoting time to supporting amputees and advocating for First Nations peoples living with disability. “One of things I have done since becoming an amputee was jumping out of an airplane, I did have a parachute on,” joked Richard...
Wynyard NDIS participant Chelsea Gunn collects beach driftwood, dries it, then meticulously strings colourful beads onto fishing wire and attaches them to make decorative beaded wall art. The 23-year-old, who has an intellectual disability and autism, has become so good at her craft, each time someone sees her make one, or they see one hanging up in her house, they ask her if she would sell it to them or if she could make them one to buy. Proud and inspired by the popularity of her beaded wall art, not to mention the joy she gets making them, Chelsea, with...