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202 Results for 'accommodation'
The plan implementation directory was designed with the help of NDIS participants and links you to information on the NDIS website. It includes links, tip sheets, Easy Read guides and animations. This information can help you understand, use and manage your plan.
In her work with the University of Melbourne’s School of Population and Global Health, Professor Anne Kavanagh has long been committed to unravelling why society makes some people healthy and others sick. Studying this uncomfortable reality was one thing. Living it was another matter altogether. Read Anne's story.
With a successful international film and television career taking him around the world, a beautiful, loving wife and a grown son, Ade Djajamihardja was living a dream life. Knowing how lucky he had been and wanting to share his good fortune, he joined the voluntary board of Disability Media Australia in 2011 in an effort to make a difference in the lives of people in his industry with a disability. Three days later, at the age of just 42, Ade suffered a massive haemorrhagic stroke requiring life-saving brain surgery and acquired a life-long disability – turning him into the “most dedicated board member” that had ever served according to the Disability Media Australia CEO.
Mind Australia is trialling the delivery of a time-limited, 12-24 month residential based recovery-orientated peer learning support program to participants with a significant psychosocial disability. The project focuses on a personal and shared recovery model that aims to improve access to community mental health services and supports participants in developing their informal and community supports networks. Through these measures, the project will help participants to build their capacity and confidence to transition to mainstream housing where they can achieve a greater level of independence.
Rocky Bay is working in partnership with Latrobe University to implement an Active Support and Frontline Practice Leadership Model. The Active Support and Frontline Practice Leadership Model, featured in the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission’s recent Own Motion: Inquiry into aspects of supported accommodation (January 2023), seeks to empower participants to decide how they live and the level of support they receive. Staff will receive training on empowering participants to exercise their ‘choice and control’ to become more independent within the home environment. They will provide ‘just the right amount’ of support and guidance, enabling participants to complete tasks autonomously in a safe and supported environment.
Supporting Independent Living Cooperative (SILC) seek to demonstrate how SILC work with families and people with disability to co-design home and living solutions to best meet the person's needs. SILC does this through the set-up of family governed cooperatives, which are operated by families of people with disability. SILC’s model recognises that people with disability with their families, are in the best position to make decisions about where they live, who they live with, and who supports them. The project will observe how SILC co-design the home and living solution to best meet the person's needs, and as a result, optimising outcomes in the person's social, community and living environments.