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2058 Results
The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) has recently concluded a Request for Tender (RFT) to build a new Claims at Point of Support (C-POS) channel, giving participants and providers a faster, more secure way to make their NDIS claims.
Making the Special Olympics swimming squad is a dream come true for Oliver, who recently told his mother he was racing for his late stepfather Wayne. Oliver, who lives with Down syndrome, uses his National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) supports to help him train at least 4 times a week. “While training, Oliver once said, ‘Mum, I want to go to the Special Olympics’, but I didn’t ever dream that he would be able to participate in these Games,” Oliver’s mum, Valerie said. “He’s been to a training camp on the Gold Coast and attended all the swimming meets and...
For National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participant Charlie Wilkins, globetrotting his way towards a third Special Olympics has the 23-year-old “living his best life” this year. Having just returned from a theatre performance tour of the United Kingdom, Charlie, who lives with Down syndrome, is ready to swap his dancing shoes for swimmers and hit the blocks at the Special Olympics National Games. Despite clocking up the kilometres, Charlie’s mother Angela said her son would be primed and ready to race when the games got underway in Launceston, Tasmania on October 17. “When he received a letter in the mail...
Minister for the NDIS, the Hon. Bill Shorten, wants to assure participants they will continue to be supported with proportionate and targeted measures that reflect the significant health risks many people with disability continue to face due to COVID-19.